Review: Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick.

scrappy little nobodyI wouldn’t say I’m a big Anna Kendrick fan, but I’ve always found her funny in interviews and have enjoyed her movies, so since this book was half price in Waterstones a couple of months ago, I decided to pick it up.

As someone who generally doesn’t read many non-fiction books, Kendrick’s autobiography was a nice way to switch things up slightly. I’ve never read a book written by an actress before either, so I thought it would be interesting to read from that perspective too.

Kendrick’s book was easy to read as well as fun and interesting. Her writing made her really relatable and it was nice getting to know her more as a result of this because I felt I could connect with her in different ways throughout the book.

This may not be a type of book that I typically read, but it was a nice read nonetheless and an effective way of learning more about Kendrick. Personally, I do prefer non-fiction autobiographies by comedians, such as Michael McIntyre‘s, but that is purely for the comedy element which is expected in such a persons story and considering Kendrick isn’t actually a comedian, I did appreciate the bits of humour throughout which made the book more enjoyable to me.

If you love Anna Kendrick then I would recommend this book; although, if you are like me and are not that big a fan then you would probably be better off skipping this book.


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One thought on “Review: Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick.

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